while everything about there for a reason. we have innate grammer program. becuase it is so benefical for evelotion. be able to communicate with scoializing help us to solve tons of problem way easier then it was. there was a just one language in first place. chomskys string theory of lingusitci somehow all lnguage share same grammetical rule. all words are same becuase they are comes out in same brain, there is specific brain region for grammer, whichs is shared in all human species.
words put into categories. thing of objects and things of action. so if you go unknown tribe, and there were running rabbit, the tribe called oskule, you can interpret oskula as running furry or running furry on the ground or animal or living thing or a thign. but as everyone you guess correctly that oskula mean rabbit. so all human share similar categories.
in english there are tons of irregular words. are they really irregular.
speak spoken. take tooken. no they are not. in some period of english, they were using this rule. but after they changed to adding -ed. actually there is not any irregular thing in englidh
we can see that there is regularities, connection, reason behind all of the things. why words gonna be arbityrar. but there are a lot of evidence show this
nearly all language have different name for same thing. but are them really so different.
Su, Pānī, Shuǐ, Māʾ, Vesi, Nīr, Nước, Wai, Amanzi, Tskali
we know that modern langugae are not 100% natural. for example creaole langugaea consist of double negatives. but english doesnt. creoles 100% naturally product of genuine brain.
so there is a lot of things changed by human hand about modern language.
Dlo, Wata, Awa, Dlo, Dilo, Dlo, Wara, Wota, Wata
this is mean water in creole languages from west africa to india to carrbien to ocenia to america. d-w prınunciation is so similar. so there is apperant similarity between them. yes we can say that because all of them were pidgin of europen languaes but pidgin mean combination of 2 language.
so, becuase of all words cames out same brain, so the worl should be same and indeed they are.
yes they can be arbitrary but not all of them. most of agree that complex things are arbiryr. twenty one do not look like this ıııııııııııııııııııııı . but do two ‘tu’ look like ıı. or one ‘van’ look like ı. maybe maybe not.
the main argument behalf of arbitrariness is that there are tons of langugae and there are tons of different signfier for one signified. as all of us have same mind, as all of this objects are same, why there is different signifier.
there is one hidden problem. is all signified percevied by people same. for example are water is same concept for everyone. for some water is nealry valuable than gold but for some it mean struggle. so the words are different may becuase geogrphical conditions are different.
hey, there is no need to tlak about this thing, beucaus we know that all languages ancestor is one. proto proto proto proto prto langugae. there no different signifier for one specific signifed. even in this time are signs arbitrary.
we can find out with, determining common word, which is bring from common ancestor, and try to understand is there any connection between signifer and signified.
sausurre strongly said that signs are arbitrary. saussuree are accepted as a father of modern linguistics. (sausuree=newton chomsky=einstein.) his first principle is arbitrarines. he gave some example from different languages and roots of languages and so on. and still it is taking support. ı cant believe how people still think in that way. it is imposible to have no connection betwenn sign and its signifier.